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Greta Grossman

Sweden (1906–1999)

Gross­man was highly influ­enced by Euro­pean Modernism, which had been imported to the US by influ­en­cial archi­tects, such as Walter Gropius (founder of the Bauhaus) and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Gross­man, in turn, played a signif­i­cant role in defin­ing the aesthetic of mid-century Californian Modernism.

In the 1950s, she founded her archi­tec­ture office and designed 14 homes – 13 in Cali­for­nia and one in Sweden – each one a show­case for her quietly dramatic approach. Gross­man was highly influ­enced by Euro­pean Modernism, which had been imported to the US by influ­en­cial archi­tects, such as Walter Gropius (founder of the Bauhaus) and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Gross­man, in turn, played a signif­i­cant role in defin­ing the aesthetic of mid-century Californian Modernism.

Today, Grossman’s product designs are highly collectible and are sold at auctions all around the world. Grossman’s prod­ucts are unique, modern classic designs. Through the 40’s and 50’s Gross­man exhib­ited her designs at museums world­wide, includ­ing MoMA in New York and The National Museum in Stockholm.


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