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Le Corbusier, Perriand, Jeanneret


In 1922, Le Corbusier began working in the new rue de Sèvres, Paris, atelier with his cousin Pierre Jean­neret with whom he shared research projects and design crite­ria in a profound and life-long profes­sional rela­tion­ship. In October 1927, the pair decided to draw on the contri­bu­tion of a young archi­tect who had already begun to estab­lish a repu­ta­tion on the archi­tec­tural scene of the time: Char­lotte Perriand. Their collab­o­ra­tion lasted through to 1937 and was extremely fruit­ful, espe­cially in the field of furni­ture design. The part­ner­ship was highly signif­i­cant, both in terms of the cultural weight of their achieve­ments and their profes­sional successes. It was together with Char­lotte Perriand that the pair tackled the inno­v­a­tive project for l’équipement d’in­térieur de l’habitation”.


Designs by Le Corbusier, Perriand, Jeanneret (19)