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Lievore Altherr Molina


Born in 1948, Alberto Lievore studied archi­tec­ture in Buenos Aires. In the early years he focused not only on design, but also on the produc­tion and market­ing of furni­ture, then, having moved to Barcelona, he was part of the Grupo Berenguer (1977), a leading name in Spanish design. In 1984 he inau­gu­rated his own studio, focus­ing on indus­trial design, and on consul­tancy and art direc­tion for a number of firms. His part­ners are designer and stylist Jean­nette Altherr, who special­izes in objects and spaces for chil­dren, and Manel Molina, who again brings with him vast and varied expe­ri­ences in the indus­trial and exhi­bi­tion design sectors.


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