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Pocci and Dondoli


Marco Pocci and Claudio Dondoli founded Archiri­v­olto, an indus­trial design and archi­tec­ture studio, in 1983. While study­ing Archi­tec­ture in Florence, the two created an exper­i­men­tal theater group with friends. Contin­u­ing their part­ner­ship, they choose to pursue set design: the inter­est in theater strongly influ­ences the setting of the new studio: creativ­ity, sense of reality, respect and atten­tion for the public. The design for Archiri­v­olto is beauty, harmony and freedom: it cannot be bound by strict prede­fined rules or exist such as a priv­i­lege of a social and cultural elite. The designer has a duty to create a univer­sal beauty and bring the design to a growing number of people. The research of mate­ri­als and processes, focused to achieve maximum results in a quality/​price ratio, is a main focus of the studio. The design district of Archiri­v­olto is based in the heart of Tuscany, the land from which they take daily inspi­ra­tion as an indus­trial design and architecture studio.


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