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Roderick Vos

Inter­na­tional study and expe­ri­ence has deeply influ­enced the design work of Roder­ick Vos. Born in the Nether­lands in 1965, he spent much of his early career living, design­ing, and drawing inspi­ra­tion from abroad, includ­ing spend­ing time in Munich and Tokyo before living in Indone­sia from 1990 – 1996. After return­ing to Gronin­gen, Nether­lands he put his design efforts in creative endeav­ors for the Mauper­tuus furni­ture store. Since 2004 he has been concen­trat­ing his work on product design along­side Claire Teenwen, his wife, at the Roder­ick Vos Studio. Vos believes that being involved in the manu­fac­tur­ing process is just as key to a design as the initial sketches.


Designs by Roderick Vos (12)