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Maurizio Galante + Tal Lancman

In 2003, Maur­izio Galante joined Tal Lancman, an analyst and trend designer, to form Inter­ware. Their vision ranges from differ­ent disci­plines, from fashion to furnish­ings, from inte­rior to archi­tec­ture and garden­ing. With this freedom between various fields, the duo manages to revisit classic themes with new approaches, intu­itions, and observations.

In 2008, haute-couture fashion designer, Maur­izio Galante, began to develop a series of incred­i­bly real­is­tic printed textiles that became extra­or­di­nar­ily engag­ing once stretched and used as uphol­stery. In 2011, Galante along with his partner Tal Lancman intro­duced a series of visu­ally-intri­cate covers for Tatino series that feature three versions of marble and two versions of precious stone.


Designs by Maurizio Galante + Tal Lancman (0)

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