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Taro Bench

c. 1996

by Philipp Mainzer
for e15

Taro Bench

by Philipp Mainzer
for  e15

or Call to Order

The E15 Taro bench stands out with its bold recti­lin­ear design, but it’s the thought­ful treat­ment of the seating plane that truly sets it apart. This bench is a remark­able combi­na­tion of form and comfort, show­cas­ing a design­er’s keen eye for both aesthet­ics and functionality.

What makes the Taro bench partic­u­larly distinc­tive is its seating surface. The designer has skill­fully curved the seat inward from the sides, creat­ing a subtle but notice­able concave shape across the entire hori­zon­tal expanse. This design choice serves both an aesthetic and practical purpose.

Visu­ally, the subtle concave surface adds an engag­ing and unique element to the bench’s overall design. It sets the Taro bench apart from more conven­tional designs, making it a stand-out piece of furni­ture. However, the advan­tages of this curva­ture extend beyond aesthetics.

From a comfort perspec­tive, the curved seating plane signif­i­cantly enhances the overall expe­ri­ence of sitting on the Taro bench. The slight contour matches the natural shape of the human body, provid­ing a more ergonomic and comfort­able seating option. Whether used as a stand­alone piece or in conjunc­tion with other furni­ture, the Taro bench proves that even the small­est design details can make a signif­i­cant differ­ence in both form and function.


Philipp Mainzer


Born in Germany, Philipp Mainzer studied product design at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, and architecture at the Architectural Association both in London. In 1995 he co-founded the modern furniture brand e15. Having established the progressive, enduring philosophy and unique branding of e15, he has received international awards for many of his designs, which are identifying icons for e15 and part of several permanent exhibitions in museums. Parallel to the creation of e15, Mainzer practiced architecture in New York and continues to do so since his return to Germany in 2001. He is a member of the executive committee of German Design Council and regularly gives lectures on architecture, design, and branding.

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