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A&D Contract Division

B&B Italia Head­quar­ters in Como, designed by Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers in 1972.

Leibal Ingawa Cemetery by David Chipperfield
Leibal Ingawa; Archi­tect, David Chip­per­field

We have proudly served the A&D commu­nity for over 15 years. Working closely with archi­tects, design­ers, and spec­i­fiers through our dedi­cated contract and hospi­tal­ity program. Our exten­sive knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence of the process and prod­ucts give our clients a sense of ease every time. We have success­fully completed hundreds of projects around the globe and have built rela­tion­ships during this time, that enable us to have compet­i­tive pricing as well as exclusive customizations.

One of the first steps is to open a trade account, whether you are a designer, archi­tect, or spec­i­fier, which we have made very simple. The sign-up form can be found below in the footer of the site. Each client is assigned a dedi­cated contract sales expert, to assist with pricing, logis­tics, and sched­ul­ing. We have worked on projects from large to small, and each one of them is just as impor­tant as the other. One of our top prior­i­ties is to make your project go smoother by provid­ing you with accu­rate infor­ma­tion and support.

There in an exten­sive product collec­tion avail­able for contract use through our contract divi­sion that is not shown on this site. Please contact us with your specific contract needs.