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Echo Carpet

by Jos Klarenbeek
for Kvadrat

Echo Carpet

by Jos Klarenbeek
for  Kvadrat

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The Echo carpet, designed by Jos Klaren­beek for Kvadrat, is a hand­wo­ven flat-weave crafted from 100% pure New Zealand wool. Klaren­beek, with a back­ground in math­e­mat­ics, brings a unique perspec­tive to the design, result­ing in a distinc­tive look and feel.

Metic­u­lously hand­wo­ven by skilled arti­sans, the Echo rug employs an 8‑shaft thread­ing repeat tech­nique, incor­po­rat­ing approx­i­mately 150 warp threads and 40 single-weft threads. This intri­cate weaving method creates a rhyth­mic echo” effect that expertly balances struc­ture and pattern, adding visual inter­est to the rug.

Klaren­beek’s exper­i­men­ta­tion with the network thread­ing tech­nique and its belong­ing binding patterns, applied in a dual system of a thicker and thinner yarn in both weft and warp” has culmi­nated in the creation of the Echo rug. This inno­v­a­tive approach, combined with careful yarn selec­tion, seam­lessly blends math­e­mat­i­cal preci­sion with tradi­tional crafts­man­ship, result­ing in a carpet that is as visu­ally strik­ing as technically impressive.


Jos Klarenbeek

Jos Klarenbeek is an independent designer and researcher known for exploring the intersection between mathematics, science, and design. Through a blend of personal projects and commissioned work, he merges the precision of mathematical thinking with a focus on materials and craftsmanship, resulting in designs that tell intricate stories rooted in data.

His interdisciplinary approach aims to bridge various fields and offer fresh perspectives on data visualization. Recent work has featured textiles and weaving, where woven textiles are conceptualized as binary matrices composed of ones and zeros.

With degrees in mathematics and design from the University of Amsterdam and the Design Academy Eindhoven, Klarenbeek's practice is built on a solid foundation. His expertise in programming, 3D modeling, technical weaving, and product development informs his work, as does his role as an educator, teaching technical jacquard weaving at the Royal Academy of the Arts in The Hague. Recognized with awards such as the Dutch Design Award, Klarenbeek's research has been showcased in museums and publications, with notable exhibitions including Hack the Heritage, Solid Flow, Kadans 2.0, and Fibres Unsorted at Salone del Mobile.

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