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A.G. Fronzoni

Italy (1923–2002)

Born in 1923, A.G. Fron­zoni, Angiolo Giuseppe Fron­zoni was an Italian designer known for his work in graphic design, publish­ing, indus­trial design, archi­tec­ture, and design educa­tion. He opened two studios in his life­time. He spent much of his career educat­ing others while working as a Profes­sor at various design schools during the 1970s. He later opened his own school in 1982, La Scuo­laBot­tega. Fron­zoni believes it is essen­tial to pass on the knowl­edge one gains through­out their career. His publish­ing work consists of editing and creative direct­ing for Punta and Casabella. His indus­trial design work includes the Quadra Lamp, designed in 1963, the Form Zero 63+65 suit­case series for Valex­tra, as well as the Series 64 furni­ture line — which is still in produc­tion today with Capellini.


Designs by A.G. Fronzoni (4)