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Abie Abdillah


Abie Abdal­lah is an emerg­ing Indone­sian designer passion­ate about utiliz­ing natural mate­ri­als such as rattan and teak wood. For Abdil­lah, Abdil­lah rattan as a medium epit­o­mizes the meeting point between tradi­tion and his ability to revo­lu­tion­ize his rela­tion­ship with his origins and mate­ri­als to find a fresh, contem­po­rary vision. Ulti­mately he revis­its the tradi­tional medium present­ing it with a high-quality design for a modern lifestyle, as seen in the Lukis chair for Cappellini. Abdal­lah has gained recog­ni­tion for his works thanks to numer­ous awards and publi­ca­tions and founded his studio called studio­hiji,” based in Tangerang, Jakarta.


Designs by Abie Abdillah (0)

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