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Antonia Astori & Nicola De Ponti


In 1968, Antonia Astori founded Driade after grad­u­at­ing in Indus­trial and Visual Design at Lausanne. In addi­tion to her work in furni­ture design, she has also worked in inte­rior design on projects for homes, offices, show­rooms, and stores. Antonia Astori played an impor­tant part in the national and inter­na­tional scene, includ­ing the unfor­get­table Eurodomus event held in Turin in 1971.

Nicola De Ponti grad­u­ated in Archi­tec­ture from Milan Poly­tech­nic in 2000. From 1996 to 1999 he gained valu­able work expe­ri­ence at the archi­tec­ture and design studio, Tusquets, Diaz y Asoci­a­dos. From 2001 to 2004, he worked in Milan with the archi­tec­tural studio Flavio Albanese, and he also is involved in design criticism.

By 2004, Antonia Astori De Ponti and Nicola De Ponti founded Astori De Ponti Asso­ciati, a studio that mainly focuses on interior design.


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