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Antonio Citterio


Inspired by icons such as Eileen Gray, Charles and Ray Eames, and George Nelson, Italian designer Antonio Citte­rio has built an extremely success­ful career in the furni­ture indus­try. He’s known for his empha­sis on crafts­man­ship and mate­ri­al­ity, a combi­na­tion that’s defined a long­time part­ner­ship with B&B Italia. Citte­rio has been respon­si­ble for design­ing all new collec­tions by Maxalto since 1993. He ensures that each product, like his Dives sofa or Alcova canopy bed, clearly delin­eates its func­tion and is comfort­able and live­able as much as grand and luxurious.

Born in 1950 in the north Italian city of Meda, Antonio Citte­rio opened his first office at the age of 22. The archi­tect and designer suppos­edly had decided on his career path by age 13

Citte­rio went on to collab­o­rate with Terry Dwan on archi­tec­ture projects through the late 1990’s before forming a prac­tice with Patri­cia Viel that’s today called Antonio Citte­rio Patri­cia Viel. Their signif­i­cant work includes the Techn­o­gym head­quar­ters, Bulgari Hotels around the world, Qatar Airways lounges, the Mandarin Orien­tal hotel in Milan, and the B&B Italia Center for Research in Nove­drate, Italy.


Designs by Antonio Citterio (172)