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  2. B&B Italia Outdoor
B&B Italia Head­quar­ters in Como, designed by Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers in 1972.

B&B Italia Outdoor

Italy (2007)

Legacy design company B&B Italia offers excep­tional outdoor furnish­ings under the B&B Italia Outdoor brand. Incor­po­rat­ing one-of-a-kind design and inno­v­a­tive, weather-proof mate­ri­als, the company manu­fac­tures upscale furni­ture ideal for the most strik­ing outdoor spaces in the resi­den­tial and contract markets.

Prod­ucts such as the Canasta collec­tion by Patri­cia Urquiola repre­sent B&B Italia’s commit­ment to bring­ing the quality and design excel­lence of its indoor furnish­ings to the outdoors. Woven by hand, the pieces feature intri­cate frames inspired by Vien­nese cane furni­ture. The textured elements create a mesmer­iz­ing appear­ance that makes these pieces suit­able for a number of settings, from grand gardens to modern pool decks. Urquiola’s Crino­line seating line is another stand­out. Aluminum is woven into extremely deli­cate forms that recall the sculp­tural petti­coats worn by women in the 19th century. The brand offers an incred­i­ble juxta­po­si­tion of artful design with sturdy manu­fac­tur­ing that readies all prod­ucts for expo­sure to the elements.

Other contrib­u­tors include blue-chip design­ers Jean-Marie Massaud, Marcel Wanders, and Antonio Citte­rio, who together help make B&B Italia Outdoor one of the highest quality makers of outdoor furni­ture in the world. Indeed, B&B Italia’s commit­ment to inno­va­tion in research and devel­op­ment, processes that take place at a special R&D Center in Nove­drate, Italy, has ensured that its outdoor offer­ings possess unpar­al­leled dura­bil­ity. B&B Italia’s exten­sive indoor and outdoor offer­ings support myriad lifestyles and projects across all sectors of design. Context Gallery has been a trusted partner with B&B Italia for over 10 years.


Designs by B&B Italia Outdoor (65)