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Arian Brekveld

Arian Brekveld, born in Apel­doorn in 1968, is a Dutch designer who grad­u­ated from the Design Academy Eind­hoven in 1995. Follow­ing several years of work at Ontwer­p­w­erk in The Hague, he estab­lished his inde­pen­dent design studio in Rotter­dam in 1998.

A commit­ment to clarity and simplic­ity marks Brekveld’s design philos­o­phy, which is evident in his work, char­ac­ter­ized by clear lines and a lack of exces­sive orna­men­ta­tion. His designs often embody an almost austere quality, empha­siz­ing time­less value. Brekveld’s approach involves thor­ough research into form combined with taste­ful and intel­li­gent use of color and materials.

His specialty is harmo­niously balanc­ing concep­tual ideas and inno­v­a­tive, profes­sional execu­tion. The result is a collec­tion of prod­ucts that are not only visu­ally appeal­ing, seem­ingly simple, and highly func­tional but also possess a deeper layer of added value that becomes appar­ent upon closer inspection.


Designs by Arian Brekveld (0)

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