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Benjamin Hubert


Born in the UK in 1984, Benjamin Hubert studied at Lough­bor­ough Univer­sity and grad­u­ated in 2006 in Indus­trial Design and Tech­nol­ogy. He founded his studio in 2007 in London. The studio special­izes in mate­ri­als driven, process led, indus­trial design across furni­ture and light­ing sectors working with inter­na­tional manu­fac­tur­ers in Europe.

Benjamin Hubert heads a team of indus­trial design­ers, researchers and engi­neers who contin­u­ously chal­lenge conven­tions around the every­day use of mate­ri­als. In their quest to discover new approaches to creat­ing visu­ally compelling prod­ucts, they have won numer­ous awards for their work within furni­ture, light­ing, consumer goods, archi­tec­tural instal­la­tions and interior design.


Designs by Benjamin Hubert (2)