BYBORRE is an Amsterdam-based textile innovation studio founded by Borre Akkersdijk that works on the frontiers of material development, functionality, and aesthetics through engineered knits.
Akkersdijk first became interested in materials and textile production while a student at the Design Academy in Eindhoven, where he began learning about the different elements involved in textile production, from the machines – weaving to knitting to circular knitting – to the details involved in the supply chain itself, including the yarn suppliers and the factories.
The BYBORRE label is the final step in proving the potential for uniting the manufacturing process under one roof to prevent waste and promote responsible design. The label serves as a means of highlighting what could and should be possible with BYBORRE textiles. It is a playground for refining the BYBORRE ideology – a hub of imagination where all materials are building blocks and research and development can be pushed to the final point.