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Carlo Scarpa

Italy (1906–1978)

An archi­tect who reno­vated exist­ing build­ings, Carlo Scarpa is often called one of the most under­ap­pre­ci­ated modern masters. His aesthetic was defined by an obses­sion with detail, numerol­ogy, and history. Scarpa is best known for his archi­tec­tural works, includ­ing the elegant reno­va­tion of the Museo di Castelvec­chio in Verona, but he also designed furni­ture, such as the award-winning Doge table for Simon/​Gavina.

Born in Venice in 1906, he grad­u­ated from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Venice and went on to be the direc­tor of Venini Glass­works from 1932 to 1947. It is there that Scarpa’s distinct approach to mate­ri­als and crafts­man­ship began to emerge. His travels to Japan and the influ­ence of other archi­tects he admired — he idol­ized Frank Lloyd Wright — began to inform his work. The strict angular compo­si­tion of his struc­tures was always comple­mented by a spir­i­tual element. No project was alike, and each had a unique history and strong connec­tion to its surround­ings. In 1968, Scarpa took on his final project, a private burial in the Brion Ceme­tery near the Dolomite Moun­tains. The tomb would end up being the architect’s final resting place. 


Credit: Arc Dog

Designs by Carlo Scarpa (5)