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Christophe Pillet

France (1959)

Lucid­ity of expres­sion and the search for simplic­ity are the key prin­ci­ples in the work of Christophe Pillet. Pillet gained a Master’s degree in Design in Milan in 1985, before working with Philip Starck in Paris from 1988 to 1993, after which he set up his own inde­pen­dent, eclec­tic busi­ness, featur­ing his hall­mark style – simple, strong, and to the point – be it in archi­tec­ture or inte­rior design, furni­ture, fashion or indus­trial design. He has won inter­na­tional acclaim for the spec­trum and quality of his creations, includ­ing Winner of the French Créa­teur de l’année” award in 1994. Pillet works with some of the biggest names in contem­po­rary furniture design.


Designs by Christophe Pillet (4)