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Fabio Novembre


Fabio Novem­bre is famous for conceiv­ing spaces and objects with surpris­ing expres­sive power. Born in Milan, he trained as an archi­tect at the Poly­tech­nic Univer­sity of Milan. In 1994 he opened his studio (Novem­bre), which quickly achieved inter­na­tional acclaim as a refer­ence point for archi­tec­ture. Novem­bre has contin­ued to work with the most impor­tant Italian design brands, such as Cappellini, Meri­talia, Flaminia, and Casa­ma­nia. Since 2019 Fabio Novem­bre has become the Artis­tic Direc­tor of Driade, Scien­tific Direc­tor of Domus Academy, and a member of the scien­tific commit­tee of the Trien­nale di Milano Museum of Design.


Designs by Fabio Novembre (1)