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Formafan­tasma is a research-based design studio from the Italian born duo Andrea Trimarchi and Simone Farresin. Since found­ing the studio in 2009, Formafan­tasma inves­ti­gates the ecolog­i­cal, histor­i­cal, polit­i­cal and social forces shaping the disci­pline of design today. Their aim is to facil­i­tate a deeper under­stand­ing of both our natural and built envi­ron­ments and to propose trans­for­ma­tive inter­ven­tions through design and its mate­r­ial, tech­ni­cal, social, and discur­sive possi­bil­i­ties. Whether design­ing to a clien­t’s brief or devel­op­ing self – initi­ated projects, the studio applies the same rigor­ous atten­tion to context, process and detail. As a result, Formafan­tas­ma’s entire port­fo­lio is char­ac­terised by a coher­ent visual language and metic­u­lously researched outcomes.

For Formafan­tasma, this cross­flow of knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence taken from both their commer­cial contracts and their more autonomous projects has bene­fit­ted and informed the respec­tive other. It has also given them a unique perspec­tive of the design indus­try, allow­ing them to acknowl­edge the legacy of indus­trial produc­tion as the funda­men­tal source for the design­er’s exper­tise and agency in contem­po­rary society while also address­ing its historic contri­bu­tion to environmental instability.


Designs by Formafantasma (1)