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Fosters + Partners Industrial Design Studio

Fosters + Part­ners Indus­trial Design Studio, founded by Norman Foster in 1967, is a global studio for archi­tec­ture, urban­ism, and design rooted in sustain­abil­ity. Foster and the team around him have estab­lished an inter­na­tional prac­tice with a world­wide repu­ta­tion, working as an ethni­cally and cultur­ally diverse studio. The part­ners, who are all share­hold­ers, are the core of the prac­tice. They are central to our contin­u­ing evolu­tion and are respon­si­ble for all projects shared amongst our six archi­tec­tural studios. This makes the studio capable of tack­ling many projects, partic­u­larly those of complex­ity and scale. 

The indus­trial design team, estab­lished in 1980, has devel­oped a wide range of prod­ucts from door handles to wind turbines and foun­tain pens to the cabin of an exec­u­tive jet, from a tap to the fit-out of an ocean yacht. Besides prod­ucts for partic­u­lar projects, the studio also works directly with clients on product commis­sions or with compa­nies to develop new prod­ucts for commercial manufacture. 


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