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Francesca Simen


Francesca Simen, born in Milan in 1963, grad­u­ated in Archi­tec­ture at the Poly­tech­nic Univer­sity in Milan. She lives and works in the Order of Archi­tects of Milan. In 1990, she began to work for Antonio Citte­rio Archi­tect, start­ing a long-term collab­o­ra­tion that contin­ued until 2003. Within Citterio’s prac­tice, she special­ized in inte­ri­ors, dealing with houses, fashion stores, and exhi­bi­tions and manag­ing projects around Europe, the United States, and Asia.

In 2003 she started to work with Stefano Galliziolo, and they founded ANG42, a multi­dis­ci­pli­nary design studio. ANG42 deals with inte­rior design, archi­tec­ture, and set-ups. Together they work in Italy and abroad, taking care of projects and often dealing with the creation of the furnish­ings, thus combin­ing their personal expe­ri­ences in the furni­ture and design sector. Recently they completed the inte­rior design and furni­ture for the club­house and its outdoor areas of the Tatoi Club in Athens, an exclu­sive private space dedi­cated to sport, food, and fitness with several lounge areas, a restau­rant and bar, a spa, and leisure activities.


Designs by Francesca Simen (0)

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