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Gabriele + Oscar Buratti


Gabriele and Oscar Buratti are both Milan-based archi­tects. Their firm, Buratti + Battis­ton, estab­lished in 1991, has been engaged in numer­ous projects includ­ing urban archi­tec­ture, inte­ri­ors, retail and exhi­bi­tion design, product design, along with art direc­tion consult­ing services. They are respon­si­ble for the look of La Perla boutiques world­wide in addi­tion to working with Auto­mo­bili Lamborgh­ini, Tre Marie, Confind­us­tria Bergamo, Acerbis Italia, and Husq­varna Motor­cy­cles. In the field of design, they collab­o­rate with Acerbis, Antonio Lupi, B&B Italia, Ceccotti Collezioni, Antonio Frat­tini, Gallotti&Radice, iGuzzini, Roca, Silvelox_​Domina, and Valli&Valli. Their awards include Wall­pa­per Design Award 2010, Design+Plus Award 2009, Best Ed Award 2010, FX Design Award 2009, KBB – Product Inno­va­tion Award 2009, IF Design Award 2003, Special Mention XXII Compasso d’Oro 2011 along with the Silver Delta Award 2011.


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