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Giacomo Moor


Giacomo Moor attended the Poly­tech­nic Univer­sity of Milan with a thesis on the imper­fec­tions of wood. From there, he works in a crafts­man’s work­shop, study­ing and working passion­ately to learn the carpen­ter’s trade. Here, Giacomo devel­ops his own personal method, combin­ing the arti­san’s manual ability with rigorous design. 

In 2011, he set up Giacomo Moor studio with the idea of devel­op­ing his work within a well-struc­tured envi­ron­ment. The studio became a space where design­ers, archi­tects, and arti­sans could share and collab­o­rate their expe­ri­ence and knowl­edge. Together with this team of design­ers and carpen­ters, Giacomo was able to design prod­ucts for compa­nies and create collec­tions for design galleries and private clients, super­vis­ing the entire creative process. 

Moor tends to inte­grate the preci­sion of design with the sensi­tiv­ity of hands-on expe­ri­ence. His empir­i­cal and commit­ted approach, combined with his tech­ni­cal and aesthetic skills, are consis­tent features of his work.


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