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Guglielmo Poletti


Italian designer Guglielmo founded his prac­tice in 2016 after grad­u­at­ing from the Design Academy Eind­hoven, where he earned an MA in Contex­tual Design. Currently based in Milan, his studio covers a variety of projects that range from custom pieces and limited edition series to collab­o­ra­tions with the industry.

From the very begin­ning, Poletti has devel­oped a truly consis­tent language, built around solid crite­ria. Deeply rooted in a hands-on inves­ti­ga­tion, his research explores the limits of mate­ri­als in rela­tion to their use, chal­leng­ing our percep­tion by ques­tion­ing the notions of balance, precar­i­ous­ness, and struc­tural strength. Char­ac­ter­ized by the extreme purity and appar­ent simplic­ity, his elemen­tary construc­tions stand as metaphors of solved complex­ity, refer­enc­ing mini­mal­ist sensi­bil­i­ties through their archi­tec­tural qual­i­ties. In his works, the manip­u­la­tion of subtle details can lead to unex­pect­edly power­ful outcomes, allow­ing him to achieve a signif­i­cant impact through minimum inter­ven­tions. Grounded on a think­ing by doing’ philos­o­phy, his approach entails an exper­i­men­tal atti­tude, where intu­ition plays a central role to ensure strong coher­ence within the process.

Poletti’s works have been published and presented inter­na­tion­ally, and over the last few years, his studio received commis­sions by several clients includ­ing Galle­ria Rossana Orlandi, SEEDS London Gallery, Desalto, Deco­ra­tori Bassanesi, Arven AS, Wall­pa­per* Maga­zine. In 2018 Poletti was selected among the six young design­ers winners of the Italian Rising Talent Awards’ at MAISON&OBJET in Paris. At the same time he was short­listed for the Officine Panerai Next Gener­a­tion Designer of the Year’, part of the 2018 edition of the Wall­pa­per* Design Awards’. In 2019 he has been nomi­nated Young Talent of the Year’ by Elle Décor Italia, which short­listed him for the EDIDA – Elle Deco Inter­na­tional Design Awards’.


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