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Jakob Wagner


Jakob Wagner is a Danish designer, born in Copen­hagen in 1963. His precise atten­tion to detail is at the root of his playful and mini­mal­ist designs. The designer earned a degree in Design Engi­neer­ing from DIA‑M in 1987, and a degree in Product Design from ArtCen­ter College of Design in 1992.. He estab­lished Jakob Wagner Studio in 1993, in his home­town and often creates high-tech prod­ucts for brands in the sports, profes­sional, and medical world. His product design collab­o­ra­tions included creat­ing items for Alessi, Bang + Olufesn, Menu, Muuto, and Stelton. His furni­ture designs resulted in collab­o­ra­tions with Cappellini, B+B Italia, Moroso, and Hay. Wagner has exhib­ited inter­na­tion­ally and has pieces as part of the perma­nent collec­tion at MoMA in New York City.


Designs by Jakob Wagner (1)