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Johan Lindstén


Because Johan Lind­stén grew up in the heart of Möbel­riket’, the furni­ture capital of Sweden, he absorbed a vast amount of insight about the design indus­try from an early age. After grad­u­at­ing from a furni­ture design program in Stock­holm, Lind­stén estab­lished the inde­pen­dent design studio Johan Lind­stén Form. The focus on this studio is to weld indus­trial prod­ucts with greater person­al­ity, creat­ing furni­ture, light­ing and acces­sories char­ac­ter­ized by human touch. Through this, he is able to express his own emotions by forming them into inno­v­a­tive phys­i­cal objects, and this sets him apart from the rest.

Within his unique works like the Embroi­dery Chair, that puts a value on unin­ter­rupted nature, Lind­stén imple­ments details that add beauty and joy to one’s surround­ings, enlight­en­ing the state of mind. His studio Lind­stén Form collab­o­rates with many renowned compa­nies of the indus­try, such as Cappellini, Johan­son, RocheBobois, FotnanaArte, Gärsnäs and Gallery Pascale.


Designs by Johan Lindstén (2)