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Marc Newson


The Gagosian gallery refers to Marc Newson as a trail­blazer in design. He is the only designer repre­sented by the Gagosian Gallery, and leading museums world­wide have hosted solo retro­spec­tive exhi­bi­tions of his design work.

Marc Newson grad­u­ated from Sydney Univer­sity in 1986 and staged his first solo exhi­bi­tion at 23. By age 25, Marc had created the Lock­heed Lounge, which has arguably become one of the most iconic contem­po­rary design works. He approaches design like an exper­i­men­tal exer­cise in extreme struc­ture and advanced tech­nolo­gies, combined with a highly tactile and exact­ing explo­ration of mate­ri­als, processes, and skills. The Cappellini catalog features some of Newson’s most iconic furni­ture designs, includ­ing the Embryo Chair, Felt chair, and Orgone Table. The Wooden Lounge chair and Orgone Table were some of Newson’s first designs to be put into produc­tion and have been manu­fac­tured by Cappellini since 1989.

He contin­ues to work out of his studio in London. Clients include some of the best-known and most pres­ti­gious brands in the world, span­ning diverse sectors from manu­fac­tur­ing and tech­nol­ogy to trans­porta­tion, fashion, and luxury goods.


Designs by Marc Newson (2)