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Marco Acerbis


Marco Acerbis grad­u­ated from the Poly­tech­nic Univer­sity of Milan in 1998. From there, he moved to London until 2004, working with Norman Forster’s studio. Over those years, he collab­o­rated with the construc­tion of the high Medical Research Build­ing at the Impe­r­ial College Campus in London. 

Back in Italy in 2004, he founded an archi­tec­ture and design studio where he tackled differ­ent designs of various scales. 

Regard­less of a projec­t’s size, Acer­bis’s approach is char­ac­ter­ized by the ability to inter­twine differ­ent disci­plines and combine tech­nol­ogy into design (and vice versa), natu­rally creat­ing very inte­grated projects. His inter­ests cover various subjects from archi­tec­ture to product design and from graphic art to any visual commu­ni­ca­tion, which you can see in his designs. 


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