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Marco Zanuso

Italy (1916–2001)

Archi­tect, designer and univer­sity lecturer, Marco Zanuso was one of the leading inter­preters of the Modern Movement.

Trained at the Poly­tech­nic Univer­sity of Milan and, in the imme­di­ate post-war years, co-editor of the Domus maga­zine with Ernesto N. Rogers, he was awarded the Medaglia d’oro and the Gran Premio at the Milan Trien­nale on a number of occa­sions (VIII, IX, X, XI and XIII editions), and won ve Compassi d’Oro between 1956 and 1985.

Zanuso was one of the first design­ers in Italy to take an inter­est in product indus­tri­al­iza­tion, going beyond aesthet­ics to incor­po­rate tech­no­log­i­cal, indus­trial, and communication variables.


Designs by Marco Zanuso (4)