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Michael Anastassiades


Born in Cyprus, London-based designer Michael Anas­tas­si­ades is known for creat­ing furni­ture, light­ing, and acces­sories that merge stark forms with inter­est­ing, eye-catch­ing details. His popular light­ing designs often incor­po­rate simple shapes like cylin­ders, spheres, and tubes elevated by the addi­tion of mirrors, crystal, and polished metal. His work is funda­men­tally clean-lined, func­tional, and easy to compre­hend, making it suit­able for count­less inte­rior arrange­ments. At the same time, his designs’ beau­ti­ful lines and clever compo­si­tions make them stand out as works of art. Prod­ucts like his IC Lights collec­tion for FLOS, inspired by the move­ment of a contact juggler, demon­strate Anastassiades’s ability to create excep­tional designs from the most seem­ingly simple foundations.

After study­ing civil engi­neer­ing and indus­trial design in London, Anas­tas­si­ades launched his epony­mous studio in 1994. Since then, he’s collab­o­rated with leading design houses, such as FLOS, Lobmeyr, Svenskt Tenn, and Herman Miller, as well as cultural tastemak­ers across the artis­tic spec­trum, such as fashion designer Hussein Chalayan, Paris boutique Colette, archi­tects David Chip­per­field and John Pawson, and inte­rior design firm Studio Isle. In 2007, he estab­lished Michael Anas­tas­si­ades Ltd. to produce his own signature pieces.


Credit: Flos

Designs by Michael Anastassiades (3)