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Monica Armani


Archi­tect and designer Monica Armani was born In Trento. She currently divides her time between Trento and Milan. She began her profes­sional career working with her father, ratio­nal­ist archi­tect Marcello Armani, who passed on to her a passion for design­ing and plan­ning, an atten­tion to detail, and an enthu­si­asm for explor­ing new ideas. In 1996, together with Luca Dalla­betta, she began to create a very success­ful line of prod­ucts: Prog­etto 1, which was char­ac­ter­ized by simple and inno­v­a­tive design and which estab­lished Monica Armani as a trade­mark in the world of contem­po­rary design. In her projects, formal aesthet­ics, inno­va­tion and engi­neer­ing give life to a unique and recog­niz­able style, char­ac­ter­ized by a contin­u­ous connec­tion between indus­trial design, archi­tec­ture and inte­rior deco­ra­tion: a combi­na­tion that produces an unex­pected use of space, with inno­v­a­tive and specific tech­ni­cal solu­tions from the Lights to the façade, from inter­nal divi­sions to plant-design solu­tions. The rigor of geom­e­try always inspires my projects, together with the need to free space from the burden of symbols. Less Is more”, one of Mies van der Rohe’s maxims, is how I iden­tify myself. I believe that the work of clean­ing a project, the match­ing of details,” or the search for a balance of all its aspects, is an essen­tial step for creat­ing spaces” that are contem­po­rary and at the same time timeless.


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