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Monica Förster

Monica Förster is the creator of some of the most inter­na­tion­ally renowned objects in contem­po­rary Swedish design. She was born and raised close to the Arctic Circle in north­ern Sweden, which imbued a deep love of natural shapes as inspi­ra­tion. Her prac­tice insists on mixing the strength of pure forms with a never-ending curios­ity for new tech­nolo­gies and mate­ri­als. Today, she works out of her studio in Stock­holm for numer­ous inter­na­tional clients, often invent­ing new typolo­gies of prod­ucts in indus­trial, furni­ture, and object design. Förster has received multi­ple acco­lades, includ­ing the Excel­lent Swedish Design award, the Design Plus award in Germany, and the Future Design Days Award.


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