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Muller Van Severen


Belgian duo Fien Muller and Hannes Van Severen began working together in 2011. As artists, Muller being a photog­ra­pher and Van Severen being a sculp­tor, they are best known for their simple geomet­ric lines and appre­ci­a­tion of mate­ri­als. Their distinct mini­mal­ism has birthed a furni­ture collec­tion under their combined name, Muller Van Severen, that speaks to art and the func­tion of design.

With mate­ri­als as the start­ing point, Muller Van Severen has a fond­ness for mediums like poly­eth­yl­ene and brass– both that are used frequently in their works, includ­ing the sculp­turally inter­est­ing four piece Cutting and Serving Boards. 

The couple have been on a quest to char­ac­ter­ize their works by careful research into their shared passion for art, archi­tec­ture and mate­ri­als. At the same time, Muller Van Severen’s designs appear to be created almost intu­itively and with total effortlessness.

After winning awards and collab­o­rat­ing with pres­ti­gious museums and galleries world­wide, includ­ing a group show at the Galerie Kreo in 2014, Muller Van Severen contin­ues to explore the bound­aries between art and design in a contem­po­rary and inno­v­a­tive way. All of Muller Van Severen’s own produc­tion pieces are hand­made with an honesty to the rawness and irreg­u­lar­ity of the chosen material.


Designs by Muller Van Severen (1)