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Oki Sato is Chief Designer and Founder of Nendo. Born in 1977 in Toronto, Canada, he received his M.Arch. from Waseda Univer­sity, Tokyo in 2002. He estab­lished the design studio nendo” in the same year. His activ­ity in the design world has not been limited to only one area but is rather multi­far­i­ous, span­ning from graphic and product design to design­ing furni­ture, instal­la­tions, windows, and inte­ri­ors, and even reaches into the realm of archi­tec­ture. He has been chosen by the Newsweek maga­zine as one of The 100 Most Respected Japan­ese” and won many Designer of the Year” mention by Wall­pa­per and Elle Décor maga­zines. Nendo can be found in the Museum of Modern Art in New York, as well as in the Musée des Arts Déco­rat­ifs and Centre Pompi­dou in Paris.


Designs by Nendo (8)