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Nicole Aebischer


Born in 1980 in Fribourg, Switzer­land, Nicole Aebis­cher grad­u­ated in 2004 with a degree in indus­trial design from Ecole Cantonale d’Art de Lausanne (ECAL). In 2002, during her time at ECAL, she devel­oped the Pyllon stool and table which are currently being manu­fac­tured by B&B Italia. This design has provided great acclaim for Aebis­cher – Pyllon was chosen to be included in the inter­na­tional trav­el­ing exhi­bi­tion, Swiss Design Now an exhi­bi­tion which was shown in Shang­hai, Beijing and soon in China and Valen­cia. In addi­tion to indus­trial design – Aebis­cher is currently collab­o­rat­ing on other designs for B&B Italia like the Joker vase series – she also works as a graphic designer.


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