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Nik Aelbrecht


Nik Aelbrecht is trained as an archi­tect but oper­ates as a designer. Chal­leng­ing conven­tional typolo­gies, tradi­tional produc­tion processes, balance, and struc­ture of objects. He formu­lates designs that are seem­ingly effort­less but profoundly complex. 

He holds a degree in archi­tec­ture from Luca School of Arts in Brus­sels, Strath­clyde Univer­sity in Glasgow, and Furni­ture Design at Thomas More, Meche­len (Belgium). After being a designer for multi­ple archi­tec­ture and design studios, he extended his focus to furni­ture design and devel­op­ment. He gained exper­tise in several disci­plines, from tailor-made metal furni­ture to design­ing high-end kitchen systems.

In 2020, Aelbrecht founded his design studio in Brus­sels, Belgium. The studio collab­o­rates with several brands and archi­tec­ture offices, offer­ing design and devel­op­ment solu­tions for various objects ranging from door handles to tailored-made aluminum kitchens.


Designs by Nik Aelbrecht (1)