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Space Copenhagen


Estab­lished in 2005 by Signe Bind­slev Henrik­sen and Peter Bundgaard Rützou, Space Copen­hagen is a design studio that works across multi­ple disci­plines from furni­ture, light­ing and refined objects, to art instal­la­tions, art direc­tion and inte­rior design for private homes, hotels and restau­rants all over the world. 

The ambi­tion is to forge new paths by balanc­ing oppo­sites — classic and modern, indus­trial and organic, sculp­tural and minimal, light and shade. Duality and contrast. Curios­ity as a funda­men­tal human condi­tion. The studio’s intu­itive approach embod­ies designs that are distinc­tively shaped by the given circum­stances, func­tional needs, and a funda­men­tal inter­est in human behav­ior. It is a sense of and belief in a slow aesthetic that centers quality and longevity. 


Designs by Space Copenhagen (17)