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Studio Juma


Studio Juma is a multi­dis­ci­pli­nary commu­ni­ca­tion and strate­gic consul­tancy studio for small and large busi­nesses. Juma devel­ops stories, ideas, and brand images allow­ing compa­nies to express their iden­ti­ties. Studio Juma believes that design, in all its forms, creates value, promotes union, and gener­ates harmony. Their clients include Rimade­sio, Amini, B&B Italia, Maxalto, and many more. 

Their commit­ment is contin­u­ously improv­ing their envi­ron­men­tal perfor­mance by reduc­ing, reusing, and recy­cling resources. A funda­men­tal compo­nent of Juma’s projects is the respon­si­bil­ity to choose sustain­able alter­na­tives for produc­tion processes, from logis­tics to mate­ri­als choices, and to commu­ni­cate the great impor­tance of envi­ron­men­tal issues to their colleagues, part­ners, and suppliers.


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