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Tom Dixon


Despite Tom Dixon’s uncon­ven­tional journey as a designer, he has built a success­ful brand of his own, Tom Dixon,” launched in 2002, among some recog­niz­able contem­po­rary designs destined to remain unpar­al­leled in popu­lar­ity and appre­ci­a­tion. Born in Tunisia, Tom Dixon moved to England in 1963. His rest­less and rebel­lious nature led him to abandon his studies at the Chelsea School of Art so that he could explore his creativ­ity and personal means of expres­sion using recy­cled mate­ri­als. He rose to promi­nence as an indus­trial designer in 1991 with his S Chair” for Cappellini. In the 1990s, Dixon became recog­nized as a top-level designer. His name quickly spread among inter­na­tion­ally acclaimed brands leading to wide­spread success. Tom Dixon became a house­hold name. Among his accom­plish­ments: in 1998, his nomi­na­tion as Head of Design at Habitat led to a Creative Direc­tor role. In 2000 Dixon received the pres­ti­gious Order of the British Empire, awarded by HRH Queen Eliz­a­beth II. His works exhibit in the perma­nent collec­tions of the most impor­tant museums, includ­ing the Victo­ria & Albert Museum, the MoMa in New York and Tokyo, and the Centre Pompi­dou. Today he contin­ues to work as an inno­va­tor, mainly in light­ing, acces­sories, and furniture. 


Designs by Tom Dixon (1)