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Toshiyuki Kita


Born in Osaka, Japan in 1942, Toshiyuki Kita is a modern furni­ture and product designer. His work is featured in various perma­nent collec­tions in museums around the world. Most notably, Kita’s Wink Chair was placed in MoMA’s perma­nent collec­tion in 1981, and his Kick Table was included in 1984. Both pieces are also featured at the Museum fur Kunst und Gewerbe in Germany. Kita is often exhibit­ing his designs in various coun­tries all over Europe and Asia, and has design offices in both Italy and Japan. Outside of his furni­ture work, Kita is known for his design for Sharp’s Aquas line of LCD televisions.


Designs by Toshiyuki Kita (2)