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Vico Magistretti & Mario Tedeschi


An indus­trial designer, furni­ture designer, archi­tect, and urban planner, Vico Magistretti was born in Milan, in 1920. Heavily influ­enced by the human­ist work of his mentor, Ernesto Nathan Rogers, combined with the rebuild­ing needs after World War II, Magistretti built with human scale in mind. 

Mario Tedeschi was also born in Milan in 1920 and grad­u­ated Politec­nico of Milano with Piero Portaluppi. He worked as an archi­tect for the diocese of Milan design­ing churches S.Marcellina, S.Maria Goretti and S.Giovanni Bosco.

The pair joined forces in the post war era to create the Clar­i­tas floor lamp, which was exhib­ited at Trien­nal and conceived as a symbol of a turning point in the Italian mili­tary indus­try produc­tion which was begin­ning to produce civil and industrial products


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