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Victor Vasilev


Victor Vasilev was born in 1974 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. At the age of 15 his family emigrated to Israel. In 1996 he moved to Milan to study archi­tec­ture at the Politec­nico. Before grad­u­at­ing, he spent a year as an exchange student at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copen­hagen. During his stay in Denmark, he was deeply influ­enced by the achieve­ments of the nordic archi­tects both in archi­tec­ture and in product design. After ending his studies, he decided to stay in Milan and in 2004 started his own prac­tice. In 2010 he won the first prize in the Dressed Stone design compe­ti­tion promoted by Antonio Lupi and Marmotech Carrara. This event marked the begin­ning of his collab­o­ra­tion with Antonio Lupi. The design propos­als are inspired by solu­tions devel­oped for the domes­tic envi­ron­ment, which repre­sent a major part of the studio’s commissions.


Designs by Victor Vasilev (2)