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Pigreco Chair

Tobia Scarpa Pigreco
Tobia Scarpa pictured with the new edition of the Pigreco chairs. Photo taken by Andrea Ferrari

Designed by Tobias Scarpa in 1959. Reis­sued in 2021

As a student at the Univer­sity of Venice in 1959, Archi­tec­ture Studies focused Tobia Scarpa designed the now iconic Pigreco chair as his grad­u­a­tion project. By estab­lish­ing a dynamic of trian­gu­lar and circu­lar shapes, Scarpa wanted to create a sense of space” with the Pigreco chair, assem­bling a balance with these shapes and inter­sect­ing lines. Now, the Pigreco chair is being reis­sued for Tacchini, captur­ing the same design with new mate­ri­als and finishes to fit the contem­po­rary land­scape. The wooden struc­ture is avail­able in Canaletto walnut and ash wood, and the flat cushion seat is uphol­stered in leather or textile.

Tobia Scarpa Pigreco Sketch 01
Drawing by Tobia Scarpa. 

The trian­gu­lar shape is the center focus of the Pigreco. With a trian­gle at the base and as the support­ing struc­ture under the seat, this created insta­bil­ity in the chair’s inte­gral struc­ture. To solve this, Scarpa referred back to the tradi­tional four-legged chairs, but he kept the defin­ing shapes. He placed two legs at each corner in the front and gath­ered the last two legs in the back as sister legs”, an element where both legs come together like magnets, not quite touch­ing until the hori­zon­tal wooden joint near the end of the legs.

Tobia scarpa pigreco
The 2021 reissue of the Pigreco Chair shown here. Photo taken by Andrea Ferrari

The semi-circles come into play for the seat and the back­rest. These two elements collab­o­rate by build­ing a curve that is invit­ing and creates an embrace. The back­rest, accord­ing to Scarpa, is like a big horn” with the curving seat resting atop the multi­ple trian­gles for support. Overall, the Pigreco chair under­stands the conver­sa­tion of inno­va­tion and simplic­ity, lending to a comfort­able and modern piece.

Tobia Scarpa Pigreco Sketch 02
Sketch of the Pigreco chair by Tobia Scarpa. Cour­tesy of Wallpaper*

Discus­sion with Tobia Scarpa about the creation of his Pigreco chair.

Context Gallery is not only excited to share the Pigreco chair, but we are also pleased to offer the reis­sued Soriana Collec­tion by Tobia and Afra Scarpa. The Soriana collec­tion, created in the 1970s, has been rein­tro­duced in 2021 by Cassina with new chro­matic combi­na­tions of fabric and leather. Also avail­able in our RAF Simons Kvadrat textiles. 

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