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  1. Manufacturers
  2. Nemo Lighting
Nemo-Context Gallery
Federico Palaz­zari, Chair­man of NEMO Lighting

Nemo Lighting

Italy (1993)

One of the global leaders in light­ing striv­ing to constantly create inno­v­a­tive cutting edge design. Founded in Milan in 1993, NEMO repre­sents, within the design light­ing produc­ers’ scenario, a bench­mark name, going back to the roots of inno­va­tion that always inspired Italian design. Their collec­tion of contem­po­rary designs includes models conceived by Carlo Forcol­ini, Jehs + Laub, Javier Mariscal, Karim Rashid, Ilaria Marelli, Foster+Partners, Hannes Wettstein and Roberto Paoli. Along­side with this wide range of prod­ucts, Nemo edits the Masters’ collec­tion, a unique selec­tion of icons, real­ized by the design­ers that have provided a funda­men­tal contri­bu­tion to the creation of the contem­po­rary design: Le Corbusier, Vico Magistretti, Franco Albini, Char­lotte Perriand and Kazuhide Taka­hama. NEMO is owned by Federico Palaz­zari. Context Gallery has been a trusted partner with NEMO for over a decade.


Designs by Nemo Lighting (1)