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Les Grands Transparent Mirror

c. 1938/1971

by Man Ray
for Cassina

Les Grands Transparent Mirror

by Man Ray
for  Cassina

or Call to Order

Les Grands Trans­par­ent mirror is a surre­al­ist object that takes on new life in today’s spaces. The oval mirror repur­poses one of Man Ray’s most famous works using the same enig­matic word­play screen-printed on the glass. This mirror has been in produc­tion since 1971 as part of Ultra­mo­bile by Simon and is part of the Cassina Simon­Collezione. It reveals a unique, unex­pected touch in any room, filter­ing its reflec­tion through word­play, enhanc­ing every day with the extra­or­di­nary wit char­ac­ter­is­tic of Man Ray.


Man Ray

UNITED STATES (1890-1976)

Man Ray (born Emmanuel Radnitzky) was an American visual artist known for his love of experimentation which included achieving some extremely innovative results using airbrushes, photographic film, and everyday objects, particularly during the 1920s and 30s.

Early development stemmed from the Dada movement in New York, where he established himself as a more radical exponent. In 1922 he moved to Paris, where he would spend the bulk of his career. There, he would create photograms but famously dub them "rayographs." While photograms were not new, Man Ray embraced the possibilities for irrational combinations and chance arrangements of objects, emphasizing the abstraction of images as well as light and shadow rather than subject matter. Around the same time, Man Ray's experiments with photography carried him to the center of the emergent Surrealist movement. Surrealism sought to reveal the uncanny coursing beneath regular appearances in daily life.

Man Ray remained an influential member of the Avante-Garde and continued to produce fine art into his final years. Man Ray's work across mediums and association with historical movements in art and culture has left an indelible stamp on the design and modern art writ large. He is remembered around the globe, in particular for his artistic wit and uniqueness.

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