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Cristiana Giopato & Christopher Coombes

Italy & United Kingdom

Cris­tiana Giopato and Christo­pher Coombes (she Italian and he British) first struck up a working rela­tion­ship in 2004 with the In Dust We Trust” project; an exhi­bi­tion that they set up and directed. A few years later the duo founded an inde­pen­dent, multi­fac­eted studio to find out how their two differ­ent cultures might be fused to form a unique inte­rior design product or project. Since their very first projects for Fiam Italia and Guzzini, Cris­tiana and Christo­pher have contin­ued to design prod­ucts for all living spaces, having been called upon by compa­nies such as Living Divani, Lema Mobili, Mini­forms, Frag and Glass Idro­mas­sag­gio. In 2006, they were selected by Patri­cia Urquiola for the Promosedia award.

Some of their prod­ucts have won the pres­ti­gious Italian Young & Design” award, featured in various exhi­bi­tions and published in print media and magazines worldwide.

In 2012, Cris­tiana completed a degree in Archi­tec­ture and her studies have now led to the creation of a dedi­cated inte­rior design and resi­den­tial archi­tec­ture depart­ment. This has allowed Cris­tiana and Christo­pher to create photo sets and exhi­bi­tion stands for cata­logues and fairs, while contin­u­ing to trust in the fusion of their disci­plines. In 2013, they deliv­ered their first private residential commission.

They firmly believe that a well-made product should deliver satis­fac­tion through­out its entire life cycle. Because all of this is unpre­dictable and highly complex, Chris­tiana and Christopher’s work is a contin­u­ous journey in which they seek to learn and gain expe­ri­ence through their mission to perfectly combine the focal points of everyday design.


Designs by Cristiana Giopato & Christopher Coombes (1)