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Gerard van den Berg

Plain, usually slightly curved, and yet sugges­tive and unmis­tak­able forms are typical of Gerard van den Berg. The Dutch designer consciously goes for simplic­ity and for this very reason shows his creative ability. Van den Berg, born in 1947, studied furni­ture build­ing and design at a tech­ni­cal college in Rotter­dam. In the Seven­ties he founded together with his brother the Montis. Thanks to his designs the young company soon attained inter­na­tional recog­ni­tion. His success did not stop there. After leaving Montis in the early Nineties, Gerard has worked as a free­lance designer and founded and new furni­ture comapny Label . Over the years his work for leading inter­na­tional furni­ture compa­nies and numer­ous prizes and awards testify to his creative ability. Apart from furni­ture, Gerard also designs lamps, exhi­bi­tion build­ings and inte­ri­ors for compa­nies and offices.


Designs by Gerard van den Berg (4)