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Giulio Cappellini


Giulio Cappellini, trained archi­tect, joined his family busi­ness of about fifteen employ­ees in 1979 to push his creativ­ity and adven­tur­ous atti­tude. Cappellini’s iconic works include the iconic Gong tables and the 2020 edition of the Petit Quack system. Through these works, and his company as a whole, sustain­abil­ity is at the fore­front. Longevity in design, meaning prod­ucts that detach from throw­away” culture, is extremely impor­tant to the designer and the brand. Marcel Wanders, a designer scouted by Cappellini as a young profes­sional, has obtained a Green­guard Gold Certi­fi­ca­tion for his prod­ucts, a stan­dard that guar­an­tees maximum control of emis­sions for prod­ucts designed with atten­tion to health and wellness. 

Giulio Cappellini contin­ues to use his curios­ity to exper­i­ment and take risks. Through this, he has become known around the world for his ambi­tion and dedi­ca­tion to contemporary design.


Designs by Giulio Cappellini (9)